Wednesday 10 February 2010

?????Here we are again, skint but happy too much month left at the end of the money etc.
The papers aren?t exactly full of cheer either, here?s a thought instead of massive cuts in the NHS and other public services, why don?t we just bring our soldiers home, save a fortune and let the unwashed sort things out for themselves I mean no one really agreed to invade Iraq a million + people in fact signed a petition not to do it but Mr sincere Blair and his slack jawed side kick Brown completely ignored the lot of em and went anyway and could someone tell me what we are trying to achieve in Afghanistan and why all we get is the one answer fits all 9/11 , 9/11 what for gods sake I never felt a thing and I?m willing to bet you didn?t either trust me on this nothing we do there will make the slightest difference to us going for a beer at the weekend , the man in the boozer reckons its all because of the great Satan in the west and for once I reckon he?s right I just cant help wondering what?s in it for us ?
And don?t listen to the human rights hand wringing excuse either, if anyone in Westminster really gave a toss about dictators murdering their own people we would have gone into Zimbabwe and Kicked out mad dog Mugabe years ago it would be a lot easier than this crap we are committed to as well as most of the folk there would be cheering us on to get shut of the mad bastard and the lads could have all been home in time for tea and medals by now.
Not that I want to big up Cameron and his bunch of Hooray Henrys either they would no doubt be as bad its easy to talk the talk in opposition but they will do sod all different to the present really apart from feathering different nests as soon as Obama or someone over there shouts shit they will hit the shovels just like this lot did. The upcoming election therefore seems to be heading for a massive apathy test followed by a landslide victory for ?can?t be arsed?
Meanwhile the man in the pub after briefly talking sense is back on the send em all back crusade and Id pull the bloody lever myself. So leaving him at the bar foaming at the mouth I dawdled home to have a skip around on the net but Missus Dwarf was watching something that mostly consisted of screaming and crying it seams Corporation street is now competing with east enders for the most depressing plot lines on TV in an attempt to claw back some ratings still at least it doesn?t have Simon bloody Cowel in it.
I can?t help noticing that my inbox seems to be full of adverts for cheap Viagra, hair loss product, penis enlargement treatment (guaranteed or your money back) & death insurance, is all this connected, I think we should be told
The insurance one is particularly sinister as I would be guaranteed to be accepted if I was over fifty and no salesman will call, should think not as well I?ll have the bloody dog on him although this charming carriage clock could be mine,
Have to go now the potatoes need straining , pip pip

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