Thursday 11 February 2010

……………..Roll on Friday as we used to say at R.O.F Barnbow this week is deader than corduroy , I seem to me working in a mad house the lads I’m meant to keep an eye on appear to be all care in the community retards ( I have just taken my boots out of the microwave) , maybe it would just be easier to join in WHAT DO THE WINDOWS TASTE OF TODAY BOYS, it’s a short day today as I’m off to the dentist oh joy I wonder what they’ll charge me for this time.
Looks like we have to stay in tomorrow which is a bit sad for a Friday night but senior management wants to go out Saturday night instead so no “sauce” Saturday afternoon either a double whammy for yours truly , shes buggering off to one of her sisters tonight so at least I get control of the TV, god knows what they find to talk about, me probably or the one of the other unfortunates they are hitched to, when shall we four meet again etc, broomsticks all round.
Had to give our so called supervisor a lecture earlier on poxy service schedules the man has the attention span of a fruit fly I’m sure none of it sunk in so we will probably spend most of the summer getting irate phone calls asking where the hell we are while dipshit tries to blame the lads playing football in the yard under the impression there is nothing to do.
The man in the pub says that our income tax is going up hugely to pay for the bloody Olympics , nothing to do with the mountain of debt the place is in then?
I run my finances better than our chancellor and I’m skint half the time, I mean Darling, what sort of name is that for a chancellor no wonder the place is knackered “oh never mind we’ll print some more money , so that’s all right then.
Might nip to my “club” later (which for the sake of argument I’ll call Bramley rugby club) for a few liveners early doors.
Yours in alcohol DD

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