Friday 9 April 2010

One of the things getting to me about the upcoming election is the bloody awful advertising that is going around, now Im no expert but in my experience advertising people normally concentrate on a few of their products main selling points and try to emphasize their advantages and uniqueness, however this lot just seem to want to slag each other off almost as though they are trying to draw attention away from their own inadequacy i.e. look how bad they are , we are not quite so awful, still shit of course but not as bad as them !
The labour party has come up with an own goal that I find particularly depressing “Cameron wants to drag us back to the 80’s” er great I can go berserk again but do I really have to vote for him?
And why have they started getting their bloody awful wives involved , I mean Samcam for gods sake didn’t we all learn a lesson with Cherie Blair at least Thatcher used to keep Dennis out of the way (pissed but out of the way) with the rest of her bloody awful family
But the bloody Tories want us to keep up with Camerons wife, and they have started selling T Shirts with MP’s faces on the front! For gods sake which marketing genius came up with that one.
Anyway returning to the real world, and it was with massive sadness I read about Malcome Mclaren, the man reshaped the music world just as I was getting into it and was responsible for youth finding its voice when it needed it most in the late 70’s and early 80’s its fair to say that the teenage years of myself and all my friends were in some way touched by this nut job and he will be sorely missed.

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