Tuesday 6 April 2010

Here we are again and another week has gone by and our glorious leader has called an election the hysteria that has followed is completely underwhelming although they have wheeled the usual suspects out to have their day in the spotlight and try to inject some interest in the rest of us “may the 6th” screamed one “its gonna be close” yelled another as though every pub in the land was buzzing with nothing else I’m afraid in our household the interest is less than impressive do we get a day off? Asked the youngest like we did at school er no said I it would be too much effort to explain really.
On the home front Easter passed pretty much without incident, the youngest did us proud on Saturday kicking Bramley into the national cup semi final and then on Sunday I had a rush of blood and cleaned the Braai off it was a bit windy but what the hell, the Boerewors tasted better with a bit of ash stuck to it and seeing that everyone seems to have left me off the chocolate egg list, I took the opportunity to pig out on red meat and Baileys cheese cake, Mrs. Dwarfe did her usual trick of inviting just about everyone she knew so the whole thing got a bit pricey, still it kept me out of the pub so there was that to moan about too :O)
Friday however did find me in the best pub in the village but the Mrs spoiled the party by getting absolutely hammered in an hour and a half so I ended up having to take her home just as the evening was getting interesting “the man in the pub was in full flow about various subjects that he only has a tenuous grasp of not that he ever lets that put him off and he was attracting quite a crowd with his new found biblical expertise .
Looking around the news there have been some odd ones recently and not all of them are April fools, a bloke in Australia has been attacked by a wombat apparently he stood on it by accident then the wombat which obviously has a low pain threshold subjected him to a 20 minute prolonged attack before he eventually killed it with an axe, you don’t get this kind of stuff round here have to go now the other half wants the PC

See yawl

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