Friday 19 March 2010

This week got off to a hectic start with me running round like a blue arsed fly at work trying to get everything shipshape for me to leave it for a few days while I go in hospital although I’ve been down this road before and fully expect to come back to a disaster area.
Tuesday up bright and early absolutely crapping myself basically because I know what happens 0900 please be prompt the letter said so there I was promptly ten minutes early and was seen promptly at eleven o’clock anyway after they had finished torturing me I was left to my own devices on a trolley for no apparent reason for a good hour the nurse then appeared at a sprint apparently the clippy thing on the end of my finger that was supposed to measure my pulse had stopped working, after establishing that I was still alive and therefore unable to sue she informed me after she had finished yelling at me for taking photo’s with my mobile phone I could get dressed and foxtrot oscar off home, this I was only too happy to do hopefully before the feeling came back in my foot.
The youngest picked me up and stopping only to buy a birthday card for senior management home we went .
Its amazing how boring things could be when you are not supposed to be walking around for a few days and how many things there are in our house to stub your toes on so spent Tuesday and Wednesday oozing horribly.
Wednesday, St. Patricks day also Mrs. Dwarfes birthday and all the bars round here are full of English yobs pretending to be Irish, any excuse to get shit faced maybe if we get the red crosses out on April 23rd . for St Georges day the cretins would pretend to be human instead, although that’s probably just wish full thinking no doubt the local councilors would give their beards a trim, dust off their best jumpers, climb up on their hind legs and accuse everyone of racism again telling us how it would upset all the muslims, I said it before and I’ll say it again screw the lot of em, its time we were represented properly in this country.
Where was I, oh yes the wife’s birthday there was no way I was going to get a shoe on so off she went with her sisters leaving me in peace, starving but in peace.
Thursday saw me off to see nursey for the dressing changed and by blood pressure checked which apparently went up while I was having my opp, cant think why I mean having your toenails torn off is an everyday occurrence round here, anyway the blood and snot had glued the dressings to my foot so that was another highly unpleasant half hour getting them changed, “Oh well done” proclaimed nursy , “f**k you” muttered I , “oh dear your BP is up again she said” “oh you don’t f*****g say” quipped me .
The weekend beckons with my birthday tomorrow and we have a busy one planned hope I can get my shoes on otherwise I’m off to the pub in my slippers

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