Sunday 31 January 2010

in the beginning

So how to start ? don?t really know where to begin with this as its not something I?ve done before, and considering that I get most of my info from tabloid news papers and ? the man in the pub? I would hate anyone to take it too seriously I live in a strange sort of world part of it real but mostly bouncing around inside my own head, maybe its vanity but I feel compelled sometimes to comment on the stuff happening around me whether I know anything about it or not, often I can keep it to myself but usually I blurt it out without thinking, funny for everyone else but sometimes pretty embarrassing for me.
I seem to live from one weekend to another with the bit in between, i.e. work stuffed out of the way (wherever possible) in the middle.
This weekend for instance was a pretty ordinary one starting on Friday night with the local boozer having pretentions of turning itself into a gastro pub (broken leg of lamb, sorted mushrooms etc) so me and Mrs. Dwarf decided against all common sense to ?give it a go? but trying to eat mushrooms stuffed with goats cheese and pan roasted chicken with crushed peas and bread sauce while the bloke at the next table is rolling around blind drunk and shouting the air blue at the game on the big screen at the other end of the pub is a little distracting needless to say there was some unpleasantness and we had best give it a couple of weeks before we go back???..

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